Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My turn signals don't work.

So it's different being on my own.  In a good way, I suppose.  It does mean, however, that when things happen to my car (such as the turn signals not working), I can't just ask Brandon or my dad to help me fix them.

I was thinking about that the other day, whilst driving down 128.  Who would I call if I got a flat tire?  I have plenty of friends around here, but we're all scholarly types.  No one really knows about car things.  I know who I would talk to if I was having a bad day, or if I needed advice about boys, or advice about school.  I have two best friends here, Sarah and Dave.  But I would call neither if I got a flat tire.  Maybe it's a good thing that I have no one to call, because it teaches me to be reliant on myself.  I mean, I know I'm supposed to be reliant on God, and I am, but God can't change a tire.  Maybe I should learn how.

I don't know if I've ever mentioned Dave before.  There's a million Dave's here, so we have nicknames for them all.  There's Tall David, Hot Dave, Engaged Dave, Married Dave, Asian Dave, and Cartwright.  There's a couple more, but those are all I can think of.  My best guy friend is Engaged Dave.

So typical of my life: the one guy that I am closest to is engaged to another girl.  But that's okay, because it means there's no subtext.  I don't have to overanalyze everything he says.  A bunch of us went swing dancing the other night, and he asked me to go with him, and I didn't have to worry about what it meant that he wanted to dance with me.  And there are plenty of other guys that I interact with throughout the course of the day that I will overanalyze.  Dave helps me with my guy problems.  So please don't get any ideas about Engaged Dave and I.  If I talk about him, it's because he's my friend.

On a random note, all the eggs here are brown.  I have a friend, Kevin, that lives off campus, and I had a strong desire to make cookies, so I borrowed his oven.  I went to the store and bought all the ingredients, and in the egg section, there were no white eggs!  I know that white and brown eggs are the same, but I had never used a brown egg before, so it was kind of an adventure.  Is that sad, that my adventures consist of using different colored eggs?

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